FOL gives away "Breaking the Silence" Tool Kits to two lucky Fans!!!

Posted by sbowler on April 23, 2015

On 16th April 2015, FOL ran a promotion on Facebook to raise awareness about Fountain of Life (Malawi) Ltd and to generate more likes on our Facebook Page: Before the promotion, the page had 167 Likes. FOL released an advertisement that the 200th, 300th and 500th person to "LIKE" the Facebook page will win a unique prize but the actual prize information was not released. Moments later, people started liking the page, about an hour later, the page reached its 200 LIKES milestone.

The first prize went to Mestard Kanyenda, a secondary school teacher in area 25 Lilongwe. He came to pick up the prize the same day and was surprised to find out that it was 'Breaking The Silence" tool kit. He is an artist who was in the same class as the artist who did he drawings for the tool kit and was intrigued by the drawings and uniqueness of the tool kit. Since he is a teacher, he assured FOL that he will use the tool kit at his school to raise awareness on Rape, defilement and sexual assault.

A day later, the page reached its 300th Like milestone and the prize went to Emmanuel Kasasi, a chemist by profession but is an active member of his church. He has promised to donate the tool kit to the youth group at his church where he guarantees that they will appreciate and make good use of it. At the moment, the page has 304 LIKES and we are looking forward to our 500th LIKE, if you have not LIKED the page, please support our cause and page by LIKING or SHARING with all your friends to LIKE the page.

FOL is making efforts to raise awareness on rape, defilement and sexual assault in schools, to teachers and churches in every way possible and we are glad the winners will do the same. The tool kit is available at the moment free of charge to download from our website >> Resources. You can download and see what its about. We want people to start discussions about rape and the services available for victims. With the right information, rape can be prevented, victims can be empowered to report cases and get the necessary help. Let us all make the effort to BREAK THE SILENCE... 

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